Excellent user experience is an important part of the designing process. User experience is basically how a user feels while integrating with the system. This system could be a web site, desktop software, or a web application. User Experience is something that should be an integral part of designing form early concepts to final product.
As the industries technologies and methodologies advance, websites and web applications have become more complex than before. What was once a static medium has transformed into a very rich and interactive experience.
User Experience design should be summed up into following core disciplines:
- Content
- Usability
- Visual design
- Interactive architecture
- Research
- Intelligent design
The prime benefits to implementing a good User Experience design:
Increased Productivity:
A thoroughly considered precise methodology will minimize the time spend on the site by the customers, delivering them with an excellent user experience and saving their time consumption will increase the traffic of the site.
Increased Sales:
A properly indicated user friendly process structure, from product selection to payment and delivery, will help the users get engaged in the site and keep coming for more.
Decreased training and support cost:
A stream lined design flow which will reduce the complexity will benefit the employees a great deal, as there will be less content and functionality to learn.
Reduced Development Time and Cost:
Working out a decent design strategy and knowing the intended user demographic will save resources from being wasted on generating superfluous content for the website, and focus more on what matters the most.
Reduced Maintenance Cost:
Less complex site means less support and less potential for failure. It is recommended to structure the site which is easily accessible and guides the visitors throughout the site without any confusion.
Providing the users with excellent user experience will get the company high return on its investments. This ensures that all the money put in the website will definitely generate into a measurable profit for the business. For instance, a good user experience design will:
- Get the customers come back for more to buy the products/services offered, and are loyal
- Providing them with good UX, will help them to find or buy the products/services with atmsot ease.
- The site with good UX will have the ability to convert “browsers into buyers”, in turn increasing “browser” into “buyers” sale.
Customers will experience utmost satisfaction because the product/service was easy to find and access which in turn will help the business with higher conversion rates and higher sales figure.
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