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Monday, 18 July 2016

What are the benefits of Modular CSS for Enterprises?

Web development experts try different methods to improve web apps and web objects. Here, CSS and HTML have a big role to play. Among these methods, a combination of technology methods leads to modular CSS that allows improvised and high quality CSS development.
In the modern times, Modular CSS has been an important part of web app development and web applications. Also, web development expert Modular CSS and HTML for development processes. But many of us still do not have good comprehension of modular CSS.

What is Modular CSS?

When web developers write modular codes using methods that share common goals and concepts but have different approaches to achieve those goals.

Among the four popular methods for writing Modular CSS are:

  • OOCSS – Object Oriented CSS
  • SMACSS – Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS
  • DRY CSS – Don’t Repeat Yourself
  • BEM – Block, Element, Modifier

3 Key Benefits of Modular CSS for Enterprises

The following are the benefits to enterprise with the structure of modular CSS:

1.      Effective & Optimized Performance

Performance is the prime factor that affects the growth of any enterprise. This is the reason that when IT professionals are preparing for an Enterprise IT structure, they focus on the performance of the provided structure and solutions thereby. Also, it is important for the masses to also understand various factors of development.

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Recently, with the advent of mobile apps, the performance of enterprises has seen a massive growth resulting in demand for robust enterprise applications. Also, enterprise applications specialists recommend modular CSS for building such applications as it provides optimized performance and mainly decreases the overall file size.

2.      High Development Speed

Since enterprise application projects are big with many enterprise developers working on the project, it is generally continued for a longer period. So many enterprises are now refactoring their entire design to Modular CSS in order to decrease the size of the file. This way the speed and performance are optimized. It increases the development speed as when a web developer writes code in Modular CSS, it allows them to avoid building new feature from the scratch which has already been developed for the project earlier. So reusing component is possible.

3.      Low Cost of Development

Now, because the speed of the development is optimized, the cost automatically comes down. Moreover, with the help of Modular CSS, the applications that have been in the making for long may have added features and long list of changes. So when you are about to reuse the code, it is comparatively easier with Modular code. Because development is faster, the cost is lower.

4.      Convenience in Support & Maintenance

It is easier to locate old or unused CSS rules when your code is written in Modular. Is also helps in building brand consistency by ensuring brand colors from single location. One of the biggest advantages of Modular CSS is the maintenance is much better. Because so many methods are used, the maintenance is also better because of resource available. It organizes your files and it is easier to locate any CSS file for a CSS developer. Also, if you are making any edits then it will protect the code from getting affected by any element. Modular CSS allows extension of enterprise apps very quickly easily.
To know about my experiences in Modular CSS Development, keep tuned into my page! Have a great time exploring Modular CSS.
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